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Relaxation and Work Fuse in this Mobile Seating | Hybe

FDT Bureau

It is often seen that office desks take up most of the space and yet the greater part of the desk are empty of people. As the ways of working are changing, demands for office desks are also exceeding. Where people are adopting a mobile model across multiple spaces and furniture, it is the need of the hour to create a furniture alternative for working away from the desk that is ergonomic and aesthetic as well. Check out Form Us With Love’s Hybe seating collection on FURNITURE DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY (FDT).

Designed by industrial design studio Form Us With Love for furniture manufacturer EFG, Hybe is a unique, mobile seating range that is quite versatile. The collection has been created specifically to be utilized by both professional and educational users. The designers explored new furniture typologies as a part of a larger office ecosystem.

Hybe seating offers versatility in seating areas and meeting spaces. The collection comprises single to double-seated chairs and enclosed booths. Equipped with wheels, the seating solution offers mobility and flexibility. The single seat is made of wooden armrests, although they come without as well. Screen partitions can also be attached to the single double-seated chairs, thus transforming them into a sound-blocking booth.

Additionally, the chairs also come with castors and swivel bases. The tubular steel chair legs are synonymous with the classic Scandinavian design with a soft and playful twist. The chairs are available in soft delicate upholstery in a wide range of colours. Each element of the Hybe seating collection can be reportedly replaced and recycled over time.

Image credit: Form Us With Love




Furniture Design India and the magazine FURNITURE DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY (FDT magazine) are from the trusted 22-year-old media house of SURFACES REPORTER and PLY REPORTER.

FDT is a B2B monthly bilingual magazine from India that shares the pulse of the furniture business in India and connects the manufacturers, OEMS, product designers, architects, showrooms, designers and dealers.

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