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Vibrant Furniture Crafted from Rolls of Tracing Pa...

Among the paintings and objects, there are updated iterations of her Paper Pleats furniture series, constructed by intertwining rolls of tracing paper...

Belgian Design Collective Overcomes Exhibition Set...

Led by founder Lionel Jadot, the group recreated the entire exhibition using locally sourced cardboard in Mexico City, covering an area of 3sqm.

Innovative Clay-Padded Chaise Lounge Crafted from ...

Encased in clear plastic, the clay, kept moist within the vacuum-sealed sheath, conforms to the body of the sitter, reminiscent of Play-Doh’s pliabili...

Studio Part's Innovative Metal Mold Transforms Wil...

Once the willow has matured into a stable bench shape, the mold and screw foundations can be removed without damaging the roots, leaving no trace of t...

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