The initial one-story building with an unappealing aesthetic has been turned into a structure with a distinctive facade composed of over 900 black pla...
The Transformed Remnants collection thus challenges the perception of discarded books, transforming them into functional and visually intriguing furni...
The WoodenWood project represents the lab’s latest material exploration, leveraging circular design principles to revolutionize wood product manufactu...
StoneCycling and Circular Matters unveiled CornWall, a groundbreaking tile and sheet material crafted from organic waste, notably corncob cores, sourc...
Once the willow has matured into a stable bench shape, the mold and screw foundations can be removed without damaging the roots, leaving no trace of t...
Dubbed The Ephemeral Table, this striking creation is composed of a 50 per cent mycelium substrate blended with various organic waste materials such a...