Tags Archives   outdoor spaces

The Rising Popularity of Outdoor Furniture

The Rising Popularity of Outdoor Furniture

It’s that time of the year when we throw open our windows and doors and welcome in the warm weather. As we embark on a summer solace, we demand more f...
Exploring the Latest Trends in Material and Design for Outdoor Furniture

Exploring the Latest Trends in Material and Design...

The purpose of outdoor furniture is to bring comfort and pleasure to balcony spaces. Outdoor furniture needs to be designed to withstand any climatic ...
Is Urban India Ready for Outdoor Furniture?

Is Urban India Ready for Outdoor Furniture?

Urban Indian homes are often small, and space constraint is always an issue in apartments with balconies. And with the expanding cities, it has become...

MIT Startup Introduces Thermally Active Bench for ...

The ultimate goal is to strategically intervene in sidewalks and public spaces, making waiting for a bus in scorching heat or dining outdoors in winte...

Innovative Lighting Designs Integrating Industrial...

The Brick Light and 18 Ga chandelier demonstrate a thoughtful approach to blending industrial materials with everyday use, enhancing both indoor and o...

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