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Coronavirus Pandemic: Steelcase Suspended its Production and Distribution

FDT Bureau

Coronavirus Pandemic: Steelcase Suspended its Production and Distribution,modern luxury furniture

Amid coronavirus pandemic, world’s leading furniture company Steelcase has also temporarily laid off nearly all its hourly manufacturing and distribution activities in Michigan. Steelcase, United States-based Furniture Company made this announcement on Tuesday, following government directives on the corona virus epidemic. According to the company, it has postponed all business activities, including production; to its factory in Michigan until further information.

According to reports, Steelcase’s CEO James Keane’s base pay was reduced to $1, while executive team members saw a 60 percent base pay cut. Meanwhile, nearly all of Steelcase’s U.S. salaried workers will receive a 50 percent base pay cut “and a similar reduction in hours,” the company said in an earnings report posted online Tuesday. Steelcase has suspended all activities at its Michigan factories except those serving essential industries such as healthcare. The company is helping manufacture isolation masks and face shields for West Michigan hospitals that are running short on the materials amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Michigan’s governor issued a state-wide mandate for all residents to “Stay Home, Stay Safe,” coupled with international jurisdictions issuing similar guidelines. As per the official statement of Katie Woodruff, spokesperson, Steelcase, company remains open – actively working on new projects, continuing to manufacture products to meet customer needs and core functions. 

Steelcase, founded in 1912 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, has also started its journey in India in 2004. Last year in November 2019, company unveiled its latest product lines and introduced its family of brands “Steelcase Pop-up” in Hyderabad. Presently, company has its 6 showrooms in India including Jubilee Hills (Hyderabad), Gulf Course (New Delhi), IndiraNagar (Bangalore), Ahmedabad and Mumbai. Company has announced to open more 9 showrooms in India and the total numbers of such showrooms can be 15 across the country by 2020, as per earlier announcement of company. 




Furniture Design India and the magazine FURNITURE DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY (FDT magazine) are from the trusted 22-year-old media house of SURFACES REPORTER and PLY REPORTER.

FDT is a B2B monthly bilingual magazine from India that shares the pulse of the furniture business in India and connects the manufacturers, OEMS, product designers, architects, showrooms, designers and dealers.

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