The making process revolves around pre-cutting each brick to precise angles and dimensions, with 360 bricks crafted into 13 different types before bei...
The initial one-story building with an unappealing aesthetic has been turned into a structure with a distinctive facade composed of over 900 black pla...
The introduction of innovative systems such as The Stealth Series, Glass Door Systems and Framed Shower Enclosures showcased Ozone’s leadership in var...
Installed in the glass conservatory of the 1930s villa, The Elevation of Gravity is a minimalist-designed installation that marks the brand’s second u...
For over half a century, the world of design has been transformed by the renowned French designer, Philippe Starck. His father, an aeronautical engine...
These lights are crafted from salvaged scaffolding poles and lampposts, as part of a broader initiative led by the Olympic Games delivery authority So...
By combining the mealworms’ natural behavior with advanced manufacturing techniques, Eliot achieved a striking piece of furniture that captures the in...
The showcase exemplified Samsung’s innovative design philosophy, Samsung Design Identity 5.0: Essential∙Innovative∙Harmonious, which draws inspiration...
Comprising large, worm-like inflatable volumes interconnected by zippers, the seating system allows for versatile configurations, promoting interactio...
The installation features four brown-hued materials crafted from a blend of sawdust and natural wood binders, arranged as chunky geometric portals mou...
Paul Matteo Wesser, based in Vienna, exemplifies this dedication with his 4-AL stool, a prime example of how repurposed materials can redefine modern ...
This constraint sparked his creativity, leading him to design a versatile piece of furniture capable of transforming into 14 different forms, from a c...